Private Office

In circa 25 years of business, W. Coleman & Co has developed an enviable network of well-capitalised family offices with an interest in the real estate sector. The Private Office serves to capitalise on this by operating as a discrete private club connecting family offices with highly selective investment opportunities in real estate. This can either be by way of direct investment, credit in form of bridge loans, or joint venture equity in development projects. Through our well-appointed contact base of real estate professionals we can ensure the very best infrastructure is afforded to investor capital.

In the case of ‘special situations’, we are able to provide access to genuine off-market opportunities. Our intimate knowledge of the Prime London market means that we can offer our investor clients an extensive historical background to any investment opportunity. For property development projects, we will once again sit centric to the transaction in recruiting and co-ordinating the various professional parties such as development managers, asset managers and legal representatives.

In the case of bridge loans, through our debt advisory work we are able to operate as a distribution channel for capital seeking to make an entry into the bridging loan market and provide the infrastructure necessary to operate and manage a loan book. Similarly, our deep market knowledge allows us to price transactions for our investor clients that both secures the deal and represents a solid return for the underlying risk.